We met at Wes and Pam’s.
We discussed Susan’s question – (http://fellowshipofthebelievers.blogspot.ca/2012/04/question-about-salvation-for-gentiles.html)
- we came up with these Scripture passages that spoke to Susan’s question:
- Ephesians 1:4-6, 11
- 1 Timothy 2: 3-4
- Titus 3:4-5
- Gospel of John
- Romans 2:9 and 10:12
- All Israel will be saved? What does this mean?
- Romans 11:25-26
- all Israel = all believers, both Jews and Gentiles
We also discussed Susan’s other question/comment on the blog – (http://fellowshipofthebelievers.blogspot.ca/2012/04/sunday-april-15-2012.html) – “all who were appointed for eternal life”
- Paul says, “their appointed time to believe”
- Romans talks about, “who knows the mind of God”
Not sure what verse we were discussing (I guess this is what happens when you don’t look at your notes for a week!), but I have the question written down – “bound all men over to disobedience???” What does this mean?
- bound = imprisoned = committed them
- Lori said – “God gave us all freewill and knew beforehand we would be disobedient”
- Romans 11:25 – Fullness of the Gentiles
Questions from this past week’s lesson (http://fellowshipofthebelievers.blogspot.ca/2012/04/lesson-8-called-by-god.html) and the notes I took as we discussed:
1. Why did some people think that God must have rejected the Israelites?
if anyone rejected… it was the Israelites rejecting God BUT we always blame God as if He must responsible.
2. What does God’s answer to Elijah show us?
there is a remnant chosen by GRACE.
3. How do people try to earn God’s grace?
so many ways!
Susan wrote: “3. I wish people would quit bashing daily Bible reading. I don't know whether to feel guilty when I don't read it every day or to feel guilty when I do!”
* Susan, we say chose the no guilt route. Do what you need to do and don’t worry about what other s are saying.
* Teri said that she comes and gathers with us because it makes her feel less guilty (for not meeting the checklist in her mind).
* The Truth will set you free!
* My yoke is easy, my burden is light!
* We read the article - Stop Calling The Bible The Word Of God http://jonjourney.blogspot.ca/2012/04/stop-calling-bible-word-of-god.html
* So when someone asks you if you are in the Word each day, say yes. I am in the Word and the Word is in me. Yes, I am with Christ.
* Christ = the Word (John 1)
4. Why are some people open to the Good News and others are closed?
because God gives them over to their hardened heart
Discussed “religion”
Paul was saying we all had a religion that we follow, a belief system. I said I had no religion, that religion was man made.
Does belief system = religion?
What is the definition of religion? “a specific fundamental set of beliefs and practices generally agreed upon by a number of persons or sects: the Christian religion; the Buddhist religion.” according to http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/religion
Is religion an individual thing or a group thing?
In the book of James, he shared the one “religion” that was good – “Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world.”
It was asked, do we (meaning all of us gathered this Sunday) have a religion, a repeated practice?
My answer would be no.
5. Why can we be confident that God’s grace is for all who will receive it?
As Nicole said… because God said so!
There was also some discussion about the unforgivable sin.
6. How are some people misled about the true way of salvation?
Some answers:
- religion
- men messed them up
- God said – “I am the good shepherd not go find a good shepherd!”
7. In what different things do people put their hope for salvation?
We all loved Johanna’s response:
themselves (scary right?) in works (still no) in their pastor (aaaaah) in what they do with their possessions (important but not that important)
8. Why is it important that we not take our salvation for granted?
- because we forget then we forget that God loves us
- we get complacent
- it then gives Satan a foothold
- creates doubt
We discussed how words mess us up. We can’t be sure someone truly understands us by the words we use because they have different meanings to each of us. Words like – religion, law, love, rules, church, etc.
Paul joked that because words mess us up no wonder that quote tells us to go out and share the good news, only use words if you have to. Or maybe better would be… please don’t use words. LOL
So here are some new truths we know… maybe we should get t-shirts made up that say…
I am in the Word!
The Word is within me!
I have no religion!
I am a saint!
1 comment:
Re: G-d's plan for Gentiles
I think it was Pam who reminded me of Jonah's mission to the Ninevites. Johanna and I recently read Isaiah 19:21-25 where the Lord makes himself known to the Egyptions and they acknowledge the Lord. (the Assyrians too)
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