Tuesday, February 28, 2012


Fear knocked at the door. Faith answered and no one was there.

-What does this mean to you?


Paul D said...

This reminds me of the process that goes on in my head when Fear comes knocking.

Fear Knocks:
I think about how I will handle him this time

Fear Knocks again:
I think of another way to handle him.

Fear Knock again:
I start geting mad at him

Fear Knock harder
I think something bad has happen.


Fear Knock again
I let Faith answer, all is well. Fear is not there. How did I know it was Fear,
because he came knocking before and he will come knocking again. Next time I will
Faith answer right away, or at lease sooner.

Pamela (a.k.a. The InfoJunkie) said...


Faith drives out fear

Pamela (a.k.a. The InfoJunkie) said...


I agree that faith drives out fear if you have faith you don't have to be afraid

Pamela (a.k.a. The InfoJunkie) said...


I don't think Faith drives fear away, it just keeps it away, you can still be afraid, fear can always come knocking but it's your choice whether to let it in or not... Fear can rule your life, so sometimes, you have to show fear the door and ask it to leave, and some times you have to push it out...

Pamela (a.k.a. The InfoJunkie) said...

JORDAN shared this thought this morning during breakfast:

Fear and Faith cannot exist in the same space together.